Wordsmith Deck


My lovely in-laws gave me a Wordsmith Deck for Christmas. I did a couple of prompts, then left it. I have wanted to commit to writing more, and yet I feel such a block when I sit down to do it, so I am doing a summer challenge. This deck has 100 cards in it. 100 days. That takes us to August 23rd. Let’s be real, I’ll take some days off in there and try to run away, so I’ll extend it to the end of August. A prompt. An idea. A practice to break the heavy writer’s block I have happily carried around for over a year. All genres will be welcome, and I can’t guarantee there will be a theme or anything, but I will write again, and frankly, I need words like water. It is a life source for me.

I have no idea where this will go, but it feels good just to type here again, so I’ll take that. Also, my latest crap TV addiction is Songland. In case you need it, I say soak in that level of creativity. It is remarkable.

Julie Brock

Strategist | Speaker | Facilitator

Disruptor of the Status Quo

We are all beautifully wired


Wordsmith Challenge 1


Women on the Space Walk