
Mosaics were used to pave floors. Creating not only a foundation to stand on, but an inspiring one. Mosaics from the 4th century BCE depicted heroes, stories, and history. Greek life and greek Gods captured, one pebble, glass tile, clay shard at a time. Soon, it was a commissioned art, creating beauty and the known with the odd and unknown.


It is the art of seeing bits of what was, to make what is.

Mosaic artists examine each shattered piece to see how it fits with the new vision. How does it fit into the bigger, better, and newer picture? Mosaics give each shattered piece of life meaning and purpose, and beauty by taking our broken pieces and build them into a new whole.

The true beauty is in the build. In the process of sifting through our memories, moments, and selecting with care and precision the pieces that go into the Mosaic of our life. There are moments that break us, push us beyond what we thought we could ever do or be. Crushing moments can also produce the very best pieces of Mosaic self.

Panic attacks.
Debilitating anxiety

Each knocked the wind out of me as I crashed into the ground. Each broke moments into minutia that I painfully pulled my fingers through looking for those bits of myself that I recognized as gorgeous, as shiny, as pure. Those I picked up and grouted into the new version, the new path, the new version.

And I do it over and over.

Because the Mosaic is never complete. The examined life is never finished. The build is beauty in motion, and we are the creators of our own pieced together masterpieces.

Julie Brock

Strategist | Speaker | Facilitator

Disruptor of the Status Quo

We are all beautifully wired

Asset Framing


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