Being Human Julie Brock Being Human Julie Brock

You are a delight

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to grow up and be an adult. Be old enough to make my own choices and live my own life. When I got there, I realized how hard it really is. Do I feed my body good food or do I grab what is fast and easy yet again because I can’t seem to schedule time in a way that works? Do I make my money stretch to cover my bills or do I buy a new shiny on my credit card? Do I do the “adult” thing or act like a “kid”? 

What people don’t tell you is that you are constantly your 4 year old self, your 13 year old self, your 67 year old self, all the time in every version of your body. So our choices, our decisions are fresh, every day and who knows which version of ourselves holds the lever. Is it my wisdom? My playfulness? My impulsiveness? 

We aren’t fixed in our personality or identity. We are ever changing, ever flowing, and never truly in control. The sooner we can let go of marching toward some statue version of our perceived greatness, the discovery of our truth will become brighter, easier to observe, and delightful.

You are a delight to be observed through loving curiosity. 

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