Maintaining Constructs
We build from the ground up. We lay corner stones within our foundations. We construct our buildings, both figuratively and literally to last. However, the strength and longevity of our buildings are contingent on the cornerstones, the foundations, and the materials used. Cheap in, cheap out. If great materials are used, then maintenance becomes crucial to the lasting power of the building. And every building, no matter how amazing the materials and upkeep, reaches a moment in which reconstruction, restoration, intervention must happen or the building, even though it looks pristine, will fall.
Photo by Will Langenberg on Unsplash
And we will say things like, "We didn't see it coming? How did it happen? But it looked fine?" Unfortunately, we can cover up crap for a while, but the longer we do, the harder it will fall and the more casualties we bring down.
So we need to check in on our constructs. What do we believe in so strongly that it holds up our identity and ideals? These constructs drive our world view. They keep us grounded in belief. And just like buildings that age, it is important to check in on the cornerstones and foundation for cracks or wear. To replace them is not hypocrisy or betrayal, it is progress and repair. It is a myth to believe that what serves us once will serve us forever; the world is too big for that.
What I appreciate about Winter is its ability to force us to look at the foundation because it will break shit with its hearty cold. It forces us into the basement of our soul, into the neglected corners of our heart, where we allow cobwebs and vermin to take up shop because we are convinced it is doing it's job. It is holding us up. When in actuality, we have been neglecting it in the name of strength, but by looking strong, the termites have been busy tearing holes in what was strong holds.
Go look, It isn't that scary, and truly, knowledge is power. You don't know what pipe to fix before it bursts, unless you look. This is a beautiful step in vulnerability because it forces us to look where we don't want to and, in most cases, consult an expert, so we can repair or replace with confidence that it will hold for a few more decades, years, moments. And frankly, as long as they are checkin in with regularly, no time is better than another, it is about the quality that is experienced by knowing that construct belongs, is solid, and is doing its job.